Thursday, June 18, 2009

Healthy Weight - Beware the Saboteurs

When you start a weight loss program, you'll want to have as many friends and family members as possible to be supportive of your weight loss goals.

Unfortunately, this is often not always possible. There seem to be saboteurs in many of the endeavors we choose to take in life, including our weight loss goals.

Don't become disheartened or you run the risk of abandoning your weight loss efforts and goals.

You will need to strengthen your willpower and resist those subtle and malicious suggestions or responses they make whenever you reach a specific milestone on your path towards a slimmer body and a healthier lifestyle.

If you are not sure if someone is trying to sabotage your efforts, here are a few things to watch for.

1. They Offer you Fattening Foods
This is one neat trick that can make you fall to their plans and be a victim of these weight loss saboteurs! Over time, they may shove you with your favorite food and offer something that used to be your personal cravings. Thank them and refuse to have any of them.

2. They make Negative Comments
Some small remarks such as? You can never stick to your weight loss goals? or ? You look good being fat!? are simply some of the tactics employed by these tricky characters!

3. They try to Catch you Doing Something Forbidden
They have a habit of keeping an eye on you and then merely to jump onto something you did that is on the contrary to your weight loss program.

4. They seem to always give you Constant Criticism
They have a habit of criticizing everything you can and how you decide to manage your weight loss program.

So how do you face these 'saboteurs' in your life, even those who "think" they mean well?

If they are the people dearest to you and you can't bear to hurt their feelings, no matter what they've done to yours, you will have to learn to ignore their remarks, resist their temptings, and keep your mind and willpower focused on your weight loss program.

You can make some attempts to reassure them that things will not change and will be what it used to be in the past. What is changing is only your weight and your lifestyle and you are doing it for your own well being and your health.

Several programs that you might consider reviewing, if you haven't yet set your goals or started a particular weight loss program include:

Strip That Fat!
The Diet Solution!
Turbulence Training!

These are very different programs and you might find the one that best suits your health needs, your goals and your personality.

Good luck on reaching and maintaining your healthy weight goals!

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