Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring Clean Your Body

Spring Clean Your Body

During the winter months,
especially with holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas
thrown in the mix,
our bodies tend to get burdened with toxins due to our
foods, being 'cooped up' all winter, lack of exercise and many other factors.

A few things we can do to 'spring clean the body' is:

1. Start your day with a drink of 12 ounces of fresh lemon squeezed
into room temperature purified water.
(It's always a good idea to 'detoxify' our drinking water
with a purification system like
Brita, Pur and the other affordable systems
available given the impurity of most tap water.)
This helps release toxins and cleanse the intestines.

2. Eat a whole grain cereal breakfast and
add beans, brown rice and vegetables
for lunch and dinner.
Eat smaller meals for easiest digestion.

3. Eat plenty of greens.
Green vegetables or green vegetable juice,
several servings daily, improves oxygenation,
circulation and helps in the detoxification process.

4. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant.
Drink, at least, one cup every day.

5. Fresh ginger root tea is a great kidney cleanser.
Drink a cup several times a week.

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