that can help you become more efficient.
1. One of the biggest causes of procrastination
is the feeling of being weighed down and overwhelmed by the need to finish a huge task.
The answer to this 'stealer of time'
is to break the large task into a sequence of smaller,
more manageable and attainable goals.
Thus, the task will be reduced to
smaller chores that can really be done with comfort.
Less worries, less pressure, more efficiency.
2. Another saboteur of effective time organization
is improper planning.
If you don't know what you need to do or
how to effectively finish some of the
smaller tasks, you will end up
all over the place...not sure what you
are doing..or why!
3. A huge robber of time management and organization is an absence of priorities.
When nothing's established as a priority, everything becomes a priority.
You then become susceptible to trying to accomplish smaller bit of this and that,
moving from one chore to another and finishing so few of each by the end of the day,
that it seems nothing has been accomplished.
Decide which task is the most vital to the success of your goal
and do that initially.
Once that is accomplished you can advance
to the following item on your list.