Saturday, April 11, 2009

Your Small Kitchen

What do you do when you need more space in your small kitchen?

If you don't have sufficient space in your kitchen then even, utensils, cookbooks and other kitchen necessities can make a small kitchen look cluttered and even smaller than it really is. But when you only have a small area to work with, how can you make the most of limited space in your small kitchen?

A line of kitchen hooks put up close to the ceiling will add extra storage space for pots and pans, and add a charmingly unique and decorative touch to the kitchen.

Top shelf cupboard space can be utilized to it's maximum potential by storing everything that you don't often use there, to free up space that could be better utilized and open up your small kitchen.

Choose light colors to make spaces look larger. Try cream-colored cabinets, or beige walls, if you want a 'hint' of color. Lighter colors reflect light and create a brighter and 'larger looking' space.

Use free standing pantry units and stack from floor to ceiling.

Decide which small appliances you use and which you don't use that often. Do you ever really use the food processor, blender or cappuccino machine? Most people use only about half of the items they have stored somewhere in their kitchen. If you really need the counter space, you might want to find someplace else to store those small 'seldom used' appliances. You can always get them out when you want to use them.

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